Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Some details

1. I am not changing my diet. First of all, because it is already relatively healthy: no processed food items, everyhing is made at home, including pasta and bread. Besides, I don't think it is really worth it to give up bacon-eggs-toast weekend breakfast (or stuffed French toast! Mmmmmm) for a couple of months, lose weight and then get back to the delicious bad breakfasts. And gain weight again.
So the changes I will achieve will be only due to exersising.

2.I am still breastfeeding our daughter, and I have heard for some women it is really hard to lose weight while breastfeeding. I guess we'll see! I am not planning on weaning our little S., but I am also not ready to be a whale for 2 more years or so.

3. I can't do cardio everyday for an hour - not enough room for a big butt to jump around! I have to rearrange the whole room to get somewhat enough space. By the time I am done moving the furniture around, someone needs to nurse/hug/play with water/all attentionz in the world. Then the same someone also likes running around in between my legs. Yes, I have actually kinda stepped on the wittle fingers.
Did I mention that I am absolutely retarded when it comes down to repeating the steps or mirrowing them.

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